Wednesday, March 7, 2007


With the articles you have read and the notes you have taken you are now ready to begin your own journey along the Oregon Trail. You should have learned what life was like and the hardships that the pioneers went through along their journey.
You will gather all your notes and your mind map and create your own diary of your personal accounts of life on the Trail.

You will journal every other day, for a total of 3 journal entries per week. (if you are absent a day that we journal you must make it up during free time in class, or complete it as homework. Each diary entry must be at least one page (typed), double spaced, and 12 point font. At the top of each entry you must have the date and where you are along the trail (March 15, Oregon City). Your entries may also include drawings of specific things that came up in your life.

You will start by inventing your own typical pioneer family, and other families/people you will travel with. You will also make a note of the dimensions of your wagon, and make a list of what supplies you can take with you.

Here is a List of possible supplies

Please include footnotes in your diary. These footnotes will tell where you got a particular idea.

For example: One of your siblings is hit by Cholera and dies shortly after. You would then footnote that you used this hardship because in Website 1 you read that one of the biggest problems on the Trail was that many would get sick and die from this disease.

*This part of your diary will be due in class on Monday.