Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Welcome Pioneers!

Welcome Pioneers, today we are going on a trip along the Oregon Trail. We will discover what it was like along the Trail from Independence, Missouri to Oregon City, Oregon. We will read about the discoveries and hardships on the way and read first account diaries of the personal experiences of various people who traveled along the treacherous trail.

After exploring these websites we will take a "real" trip to the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center in Baker City. We will further explore life on the Trail through visual "real" life representations, and hear real stories of what life was like beginning in 1843.

We will continue our journey along the Oregon Trail by writing our own diaries and personal accounts of what our lives were like living on the Trail. In addition to our own diaries we will create our own covered wagons, and have days where we do some activities that the Oregon Trail pioneers did.

On the left hand side of your screen you will see a list of tasks to be done.
*Please follow the directions on each page*

  1. click on the Trail Quest labeled Website 1, you will be prompted to visit a website and read the articles and take notes. When you have finished the activities on Website 1 you will go to Website 2.
  2. click on the Trail Quest labeled Website 2, you will be prompted to visit a website and read a diary of your choice and create a mind map. When you have finished the activities on Website 2 you will go to the Project.
  3. click on the Trail Quest labeled Project, it is here where you will see what you will be doing with all the information you have gathered about the Oregon Trail and the pioneers.

*Here is a rubric for you to follow along with so you know what I am looking for when grading your projects.*