Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Website 1

You will take notes on each of the articles you read. You should have nine headings (each heading is listed in bold below) and at least 2 major events under each heading. Each event should be summarized in your own words. Please get your paper ready before visiting the website.

Go to this website:

Once you are there you will click on All About the Trail.
You will see a list of ten links that tell about different parts of the Oregon Trail adventure.
You will click on each of the following headings in this order and follow the instructions.

*remember to take good notes as you read*

Introduction: read the article and listen to video from historian, Merrill Mattes.
*Pay attention to: when the great Western migration began, when it ended, where it started, how long was the trail, and who were the first emigrants to come to Oregon?
Discoveries and Explorers: read about Lewis and Clark.
*Pay attention to: why were Lewis and Clark chosen to take the journey, when did they begin their journey, where did they start, what did they find out about Lewis and Clark's route west.
Jumping off: read the article and listen to video from Larry Jones. *Pay attention to: what happened to the towns that the pioneers were passing through, why was is practical to use a wagon for this journey, details of the wagon, what did the pioneers discover about their load.
Power: read the article and listen to videos from William Hill and Charles Martin Sr.
*Pay attention to: what animal did the pioneers use to pull the wagons, and why, what were the problems they encountered with the animal that came with them.
Hardships: read the article.
*Pay attention to: what were the hardships that the pioneers faced, how did they overcome those hardships, and what happened to those who could not overcome them.
Camping: read the article and listen to video from Larry Jones.
*Pay attention to: the routine of the pioneers, what happened when the trails started to get crowded, what did they eat, how/where did they get their food.
Buffalo: read the article.
*Pay attention to: when was the first encounter of the buffalo, and what happened when they came, how did the pioneers use the buffalo.
Native Americans: read the article and listen to video from Charles Martin Sr.
*Pay attention to: what was the relationship like between the pioneers and the Native Americans, when, where, why and with who did each of the three massacres occur.
Conclusion: listen to video from Merrill Mattes.
*Pay attention to: what did Merrill Mattes say about the Oregon and Californian migration.

After you have finished reading and taking notes on each of the articles I would like you now to click on Trail Archive, then click on Diaries. Please choose one person, and read his/her diary. As you are reading create a mind map of that person's adventure on the Oregon Trail.